Wednesday, November 07, 2007

C'est dur dur etre maman.

Oui Il est difficile d'ĂȘtre une maman qui a la douleur d'estomac.

I had the roughest night last nigh. This was an absolute test of my faith. But soon I shall be sleeping soundly and no paying homage to my porcelain goddess. I had another gallbladder attack last night. And the craziest thing about it is that I am officially booked for surgery tomorrow, to have my gall bladder removed.

Yesterday I went to get some blood work done and it was the best prick I ever had. *BLUSH* ROFL* This phlebotomist was awesome she said you're going to feel a sting or something standard like that. I felt her fingers and that is all. It was awesome. I have Grave's Disease so blood draws are pretty standard thing for me and I've had all kinds lab tech. Good, Bad, and hopeless. (Usually though it's my fault I have the deep stupid rolly veins.) They love me. :D

So yeah, surgery tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, more nervous about getting an IV ;) and the anesthesia. I hope I don't say anything stupid and incriminating. LOL like were the snicker stash is kept. (Dang I really wish I had a snicker stash....,mmmmm the almond kind.)
My mother in law says that these days there has been lots of advances on the anesthesias being used that people don't usually wake up combatant and freaked out. I hope I'm in the majority.
I have never in my whole life had surgery. I've had 2 children. I've been hospitalized 3 times once when I was a little bity girl and then the births of my two children. That's it, so I'm a little bit anxious. But I'm going to try to do some proactive things today to get my mind in a calm state.

Music. Music is always good.

On a knitting note. I got side tracked and started working on little red devil hat for the baby. It was suppose to be a Halloween costume but that's a long story. So soon I will finish. and post picture. I know you will like it. So long my friends see ya on the other side. Tomorrow that is after I come out of surgery.



Michelle said...

Oh dang! Get well soon, K? If you need anything, holla. I'm here!

Amysatx said...

Sending lots of good thoughts and wishes for a successful surgery and quick recovery!!

Enid said...

Thanks Michelle! <3

Thanks Amy! <3

Snap Shots