Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What I've learned in the last two days.

This might be a boring post so you can turn away now if you like.

Listened to a Radio Lab show on stress. That was not something new I learned but it solidifies my belief that I need to lighten up. And desperately find a way to let things pass through me with out getting worked up. I'm a type A personality, not a new revelation but admitting the truth is the first step to change.

I learned that Sleep is so important again you are probably saying to yourself (UMM duh Enid.) The new thing about this for me is that. If you actually got a consistent eight hours sleep you could be more successful at loosing weight. I've posted about this before. In my other blogs I've always had weight issues but after the blew away my thyroid I've never been able to get down to a decent weight. Turns out i've been shooting myself in the foot.

1. I get anywhere form 3-6 hours of sleep a night. It's rare that I get more than that. Why? Now it's because of school and a new baby but before that I've always been kind of a night owl.

2. I don't get enough calcium in my diet. (i'll talk about that more in a minute)

3. Exercise. meh! But I'm working on that I've decided to sign up for a 1/2 marathon and I'm going to run/walk it. :D (more about that later)

Three tiny things I can change that just might tip the scales for me. NO.1. Being the most important.

Why is sleep so vital. Well the way it was described was that by keeping yourself up your body needs more energy to keep you going. So from what I understand it your body tries to get energy from where ever it can 1. by increasing cravings for high carb food and 2. by slowing your metabolism down. (Ah-HA....)

So I started to think about that and my past failures. In a recap I was active duty for a little while. in that time frame of four years weight became the bane of my existence. Shortly after coming to my first duty station I was told that I had Grave's disease. I was sent to an Endocrinologist and there he did what he had to take care of it. After that there was a period of 3-4 motnths where they waited to get most the thyroid hormone out of my system. Except they waited too long and I puffed out a 40lbs. Anyway the doctors quickly got me back to "normal"levels and I began an intense regimen of excercise and restricted calorie diet.
The scales barely budged. Frustration upon frustration upon frustration, especially when your career is at stake. Luckily the doctors understood what I was trying to do so they kept me on a medical waiver. **eyeroll** Everyone else just thought I should just lay off the cookies and candy bars. The rude things that people say, I tell ya.

So maybe if I had been more disciplined and slept more I might have helped tip the scales a bit more. No points in woulda coulda shouldas I'm going to try it now.

By increasing your intake in calcium you could loose 6.5lbs of FAT in one year. YEP, I heard that from Dr. OZ. Couldn't hurt to try that either. IF it doesn't help with fat lose then I will help me with Osteoporisis in the future.
I'll be the better for it.

Excercise. We all know there is no magic bullet there believe me I'd be taking it.
IT's just a matter of discipline on my part. Get off my ass and just walk it off.

So that's it, in a nutshell.

By combining these three things and a few other supplements and diet rich in veggies, no/low carbs and some meats. I think I'll be the better for it.

Getting 8 hours a night is freakin' hard. I tried for night 2 and I was up and down all night long. It was either the baby having nightmares and crying or my freaking stomach or just me getting all excited about not being able to sleep. Tonight is another night.

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