Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm having a moment.

WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT II3.0011/06/200712/10/2007
JAVA PROGRAMMING I3.0001/29/200803/03/2008
JAVA PROGRAMMING II3.0003/04/200804/07/2008
IMAGE EDITING3.0004/08/200805/12/2008
WEB DESIGN3.0005/13/200806/16/2008
ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING3.0006/17/200807/21/2008
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN3.0007/22/200808/25/2008
MULTIMEDIA DEVELOPMENT3.0008/26/200809/29/2008

That's what my schedule looks like right now. At the moment I'm taking Web development II.

Can I tell you all that I want to quit. I am sooooooo tired.
And since I had surgery last week I feel like I'm two months behind in this class.
It's amazing what goes on in a week in these classes.

So that's it. My husband said "NO quitting, you're so close. If you quit now, you'll still have the student loan debt and nothing to show for it."
F@*#$ he's right again.

That's twice. Let's not tell him, because he would be impossible to live with of course. I think his head might explode.

I need a bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be knitting"
I'm sure there is one out there. I will find it someday when I have a second. But then again I might use that second to pee or something vital like that.

But you blog sooo much E you should have time. yeah I guess you're right. I'm just tired. The only time i have to myself to get homework done is after everyone has gone to bed. HEY!!! I want to sleep TOOO!!!
Sometimes I just feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Trying to write a paper or a response to a question while nodding off is getting really old.

So tonight I'm having a moment. You know the feeling? When your face gets real hot and your eyes water up (what are those called?) and your nose gets all tight feeling, and what else your chin quivers or something involuntary like that.

To make matters worse I have a 15 year old that thinks she has the whole flippin world figured out and is just so frustrated with school. What I wouldn't give right now to have only ONE job and that is just be a student. Not anything else. Not cleaning the house, not paying bills, not grocery shopping, not taking care of babies, not doing laundry, or cooking dinner, JUST study.
She sees me strugglin' to squeeze in extra study time, and still she decides that this year is f*$%#@# off year. But you know what I'm letting MR. Right two times this week handle it, because one I'm her step mom and she doesn't listen to me, but daddy and her will have a coming to Jesus and everything will tighten back up.

She's makeing excellent grades in other classes, but has decided that Chemistry and Algebra2 are not important MEH. (so those of you that know her's not because of that.) She's decided and is 100% absolutely sure she's going to be a hairdresser and is 101% positive she's not going to change her mind. NOW we all know that no one needs chemistry or algebra to cut some bangs, or do an updo. right?


She's been an A/B student since kinder not a c in sight. Things started to slide and eyes began to roll and the sighs became louder last year. ..........................ARRRGH whatever I'm done with that subject that child frustrates the hell out of me. Teenage entitlement complex BS KILLS me.

I've NEVER wanted to shake a crying baby. But I do want to shake a sighing eye rolling teenager. I want to shake them real hard and fast. WAKE UP and LISTEN.... this isn't the B*R*A*V*O network it's real F*&@#!! LIFE. I think their thick skulls can handle it.

That's mean huh? I'm not a mean person, but I'd like to play one on TV.

I"m done bitchin' thanks for reading and if I lost you half way through it, sorry.
I'm off to read more about functions and there usezZZzZzzzzzzzzzZzzzZzzzzzzZZZzzZZZ


ZaftigWendy said...

Thankfully, a year makes as much difference for a teen as it does for a toddler.
She'll be a completely different person by next November. Hopefully a more mature person, but at least different.

Enid said...

Heavens I hope you are right. Thanks for your comment.

Snap Shots