I'm going to do something that I would never typically do but I'm going to link it here.

All rock house 4 bedroom/ 2 bath 2093sqft. on 49.16 acres
The house is only about 2 years old. The commute for my husband got old. It just time for us to readjust our lifestyle. The country life wasn't really for us. At least not right now. If all conditions were perfect, I would move back in a heart beat. If I could magically bring my house with me. I would.
That's more information that I have ever posted about myself. I feel a little naked. LOL.
Anyhow maybe someone that is reading this knows someone looking for a country home, with lots of room to stretch their wings.
We worked so hard to build this home, we did a lot of work ourselves, well non crucial work. Electrical, plumbing, framing, insulation, was done by licensed professionals. We documented everything. I have pictures from start to finish of every nook and cranny of this house. It was a real experience. A lot of work, but a lot of love was put into it. So hopefully the next owners will feel that love.
Think positive "Selling Energy" thoughts and send them our way.