And finally the day has come and I had my appointment with the Gastrointerologist.
She's super nice. But basically it all comes down to, we really don't know what's wrong with you sound like it could be an ulcer. But I want you to come back and get an endoscopy done. Oh and by the way give your medical family history you are due for a colonoscopy by the age of 40. So I have something to look forward to in 4 more years or is it 3. I don't know.
In the mean time she gave me some Nexium samples and a script for more Nexium. I take it to my local Wallyfart pharmacy. And they later inform me that my insurance doesn't want to pay. They want to see if the doctor won't prescribe something else.
Oh yeah they know more than the doctor's now. So I spent my whole day at the doctor's right? Inconvenience some of my family member's so that they can watch thekids for me while I go see this doctor. Spend time with her, talk to her, she uses all her resources and the 8 years of medical study to give me the right something for the I don't know what you have but this will definitely take care of it in the mean time. ONLY to be second guessed by some piss-ant pencil pusher behind a desk somewhere that magically knows more than my physician. I'm sorry if I sound bitchy about this but this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life. My husband works his butt off everyday, so that we can have what we need the basics, you know. And thankfully we can afford very decent health care. I can go to whoever I want to see, but I would get an even better discount if they were in the group. AnYway. What I'm getting at is we pay a pretty penny to get this kind of benefit. It AIN't cheap and you know what neither is the basic basic stuff. We all know that. So we're paying these A**holes to tell us "umm are YOU sure?? you need that medication? I think you could take something else, umm yeah. you're in pain and all but we think you can do without this stuff and take something else. In the mean time, yeah, you can just wait. mmmmkay."
Now I understand why I got the samples. Because my doc is probably used to dealing with these thieving insurance companies.
Wednesday morning I'll be get my insides photographed and videotaped so that I may be studied more in depth. LOL. I feel like such a freakshow.
Other updates: Munchkin one and Munchkin two are both sick today.
I'm feeling it too. I have a cold as well now. That really sucks. I feel so uncomfortable, to be in my own skin right now. I got to get out of this funk. The stomach, the cold or allergies, the mental stress. YUCK!!