Sunday, December 02, 2007

More music, more love.

I know another post about music, but when I have to spend oodles of time infront of this screen. I have to occupy my ears with beautiful things. I took these test in one of the first courses at the University I'm attending, to learn what kind of learning skills I had. What was my learning style? At . In those quizzes I learned I was a visual-spatial learner. Along with being a visual spatial I had some strong pointers towards musical learning style. All of us have multiple learning pathways, and I think it would be great if more schools took the time to figure these things out. So that they can help the students understand themselves and improve their learning ability. I think that might be the key to learning success. Looking back at the way I learned in school or didn't learn for that matter, I understand now why that is. If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell her the secret to her own learning strategy. Shoot I could have been an awesome student. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a terrible student, I just had to work at it a little harder and often beat myself up for not understanding things and sometimes called myself "stupid". Crazy how things are. I wonder how many kids out there are feeling the same way.

To maximize my learning abilities, there are some techniques.

Visual/Spatial should
  • Develop graphic organizers for new material
  • Draw mind maps
  • Develop Charts and graphs
  • Use color in notes to organize
  • Visualize material (method of loci)
Musical/Rhythmic learners
  • Create rhythms out of words
  • Beat out rhythms with hand or stick
  • Play instrumental music/write raps
  • Put new material to songs you already know
  • Take a music break
Some of these things I did naturally. I thought they were just part of my quirky personality, but they are valid techniques. WHO knew?

All that gabbing just talk about these two new songs. Sometimes I find a song and just fall in love with it. There is just something about it that I can't explain, it's just a feeling. It's the rhythm, it's the lyrics, it's the melody it's the emotion behind the singers voice. All I know is that for a while that song becomes my musical crack. LOL.

I like all kinds of music, even songs in other languages. So here is a perfect example.

E isso ai performed by Seu Jorge and Ana Carolina both excellent Brazilian artist. I loved this song so much but desperately wanted to know what the lyrics meant. I speak fluent Spanish so I understand a little bit of what they were saying. And finally I found in my search that E isso ai is a cover of a Damien Rice song "The Blower's Daughter"

This is the Portuguese version

I prefer the latter of the two. I think it's such a sexy language. I even had my husband learn a few words in Portuguese. mmmm-mmmmm!!


Anonymous said...

I chanted for my mom on the 5th anniversary of her death. There were parts that I knew by heart, despite not doing them since 1970. Like

Jin nyu musai. Joju issai. Mi-zo-u ho. Shari-hotsu. Nyorai no. Shuju fun-betsu.

Gyo ses^sho ho. Gonji nyunan. Ekka shushin. Shari-hotsu. Shu yo gon shi. Muryo muhen. Mi-zo-u ho.

Bus^shitsu joju. Shi shari-hotsu. Fu shu bu setsu.^Sho-i sha ga. Bus^sho joju. Dai ichi ke-u. Nange shi

ho. Yui butsu yo butsu. Nai no kujin. Shoho jisso. Sho-i shoho. Nyo ze so. Nyo ze sho. Nyo ze tai.

Nyo ze riki. Nyo ze sa. Nyo ze in. Nyo ze en. Nyo ze ka. Nyo ze ho. Nyo ze honmak^kukyo to.


junior_goddess said...

no, you don't understand-

I learned how to do that like everyone else went to Sunday school or catechism. Like you might say a Hail Mary. So when I chanted for my mom, I did it for no other reason except the 5th anniversary of death is important. As commemoration, not for anything else but to pay respects. I didn't pray for anything.

In my house, SGI is kind of woven into weirdness. At this point, I don't even know which part was right, and which was wrong.

Enid said...

no I understood. that's not what I asked. ;)

Snap Shots