Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Swiftless but inventive.

I was supposed to blog this a while ago but, as usual life gets in the way. And before you know it's been nine months since this event, the baby now has 2 teeth, and likes to play quietly in his baby jail, I mean play pen. lol.

Any how. I decided to do a slide show because I'm lazy and I'd just rather do it that way.

The story goes like this. My mother brought these hanks of lace weight like string. It was something she bought for that punch needle embroidery. I had a ball winder so she wanted to take advantage and get these things into a manageable state. We started off with two chairs back to back and the hank stretched around them. So she would unwind it off the chair a little bit at a time and then wind it up. I thought that was just took to long. So my noggin started working. After the smoke cleared out of the room (heh-heh). I came up with a wire hanger and some duct tape. I took the card board roll off a wire hanger (the kind you get from the cleaners. You know what I'm talking about.) I hooked the big hook of the hanger over my curtain rod centered over the two chairs holding the string, and the little curls at the end were modified just a bit. One side was taped down to stabilize my contraption. The other side was threaded with the string. And Viola! There you have it. Momma went to town and had all her hanks wound up in no time.

Who says i have to pay the big bucks to buy a swift when all you have to do is use a little creativity.

If want a close up of any of these pics just click on them and that should take you to a bigger version. enjoy.

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