Sunday, November 11, 2007

What a week

I am 3 days post op. I was pacing this house like a caged lioness. Till I just couldn't take it any longer. Yesterday I had felt really good, I didn't take any vicodin and only took the Motrin as needed. So I'm pretty happy that everything seems to be healing up rather nicely. It's itchy.

Ever had a BOMBSTIK. I busted out of my medical induced house arrest and little E and I went to score a few. We came home with 4 of these bad boys

Edited note: A bombstik is a fudge/banana flavored frozen deserty yummy goodness, popsicle. The combination sounds a little weird. But it's just delish!

My husband was totally against it but if there was a bombstik in it for him, well let's just say I twisted his little pinky enough. That and I'm sure he was sick of hearing me grumble.

I skipped kid n ewe this year, it's a fiber festival about 30 minutes out of town, a cake walk for us country drivers. I can't believe the amount of complaining I hear from folks here in the city.
GEEZ, they act like they've got to drive 30 minutes just to get to a grocery store or something. Target? I don't want to go to Target!! It's too faaaaahhhhrr.
Far? try living in BFE for 5 years wear no one can hear you scream. Where if you were out of milk at 10pm you were SOL. Till the next day. Sorry unnecessary ranting.

Anyhow as I was saying missed the festival and was very upset and bitchy about it. But my little tra-la-la to the gas station left me with no doubt that it was best for me to stay home and my hubby was right. So y'all know I got a "you seeeeee, you should listen to your man."


"I know you were right. Make sure you mark it in your diary." I said. "Dear Diary, it is November 11, 2007 and I was right today. Love, ****"

It wasn't terrible just uncomfortable. The seatbelt was pushing on my belly button, the shoulder harness was rubbing on the other incisions. The bumpy bumpy of the truck was just as uncomfortable.

Well the baby has an appointment on Tues in the old town we lived in, but I think I will be rescheduling I don't think I will be up to par yanking that kid in and out of the car seat base. OUCH!!

I have an appointment myself that I have yet to make on Wednesday we'll see how that goes. I'm sure I will be WAAAAY better then.

Like I said no bad pain, just uncomfortable. Annoying is more like it. But I am so glad I got it done. It was getting progressively worse.

So now I just need to my old house to get bought. (that's bad English i know) I need that to happen and life will be tolerable for the time being. Because we all know life happens. So I can't say I just need that to happen and life will be perfect because we all know nothing is perfect.

Life will be good.

So HELLO UNIVERSE. BUY MY HOUSE!!! for asking price that would be even better.

night y'all.

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Michelle said...

What's a Bombstick and where does a gal have to go to get one?

Enid said...

The gas station. Most of the gas stations carry them. I haven't found them at the groceries and that's a lucky thing since we like them so much. I'd probably buy them buy the box full. :)

Snap Shots